Kincraig to Dalraddy


The £35 million Kincraig to Dalraddy project was the first section of the A9 Dualling Programme to open to traffic on 30 September 2017.

The contractor responsible for undertaking the dualling works was a joint venture between Wills Bros Civil Engineering and John Paul construction.

Dualling the 4.7 mile (7.5 km) Kincraig to Dalraddy project included four underpasses and one large culvert replacement, together with a track for walkers, cyclists and horse riders adjacent to the northbound carriageway, new lay-bys and replacement of existing structures including underpasses and watercourses

Located within the Cairngorms National Park, the project had to consider a number of important environmental sensitivities, including sites at the River Spey, Insh Marches, Loch Alvie and the Loch Insh Nature Reserve. Mitigation measures included sensitive management of protected habitats and species including red squirrels, otters and the relocation of some 45 hairy wood ant nests.

Community benefits delivered during construction included employment for 26 people who lived within the area, three vocational training opportunities, the award of eight subcontracts worth a total of £1.4 million to local businesses, provision of new playground facilities for Alvie Primary School and a donation of £800 by project partners to the local Community Fund.

Details of the design and planning stage, including environmental mitigation measures, and relevant documentation such as made orders and environmental statements can be viewed on Transport Scotland’s website.


A range of media was developed during construction including photography and video of the site, as well as images of the team that built this section of the A9